Everyone knows the holidays are a time when friends and families gather together to share pleasant company, exchange laughs and good memories, and EAT.  The Tastebuds team knows that nothing brings together a gathering like food. But, in today's world, being the host(ess) is not always easy. Dietary restrictions seem to be everywhere these days, and unless you deal with it on a daily basis, the thought of accommodating someone with a dietary restriction may seem stressful. However, it does not have to be!

We have a vegetarian on our Tastebuds team and here are a few things we learned that may be able to help you  when planning the menu for your holiday gathering this season:

Plan Ahead. Get the details ahead of time. It is best to know more than you need to know than not know enough. If someone attending your holiday party has a dietary restriction, ask questions! Find out exactly what their dietary restriction is. Would they prefer to bring their own dish? If it is a food allergy, find out exactly what it is they cannot eat. (The last thing you want is someone's lips to blow up while you are at the dinner table!) Ask them for a little input, maybe what their favorite food is or a dish they would like to eat. It is important to get as much information as possible, this will take a lot of stress off your back and will make the person with the restriction feel better knowing that you are trying to accommodate them.  

Research. There are TONS of resources out there! If you offered to accommodate a person's dietary needs, search around. The internet offers an endless amount of resources. (And if you are reading this, you obviously have access to the internet, so no excuses there!) Food allergies are HUGE; make sure you know what foods and ingredients need to be avoided. 

Know the Ingredients. Cooking for a dietary restriction can be a lot easier when you cook from scratch; you know and can control what goes into each dish. If you are using pre-made items or processed ingredients, be sure to read the labels very carefully. If you know beforehand what you are looking for, you know what you need to avoid. When it comes time for your gathering, you will be able to tell the person what dishes they should steer clear from.

Separate. This is especially vital for food allergies. Keeping dishes separate and providing separate serving utensils avoids the risk of cross contamination. Doing a buffet style set up is a great way to go for this, because you are able to keep the foods separate and everyone can pick and choose what they would like to eat. 

Enjoy! Being the host(ess), relaxing is almost never an easy thing to do, but knowing that you have taken all the appropriate precautions for dietary restrictions can really lighten your load this holiday season. Not only can you feel a little more at ease, but so can the person with the dietary restriction. Now everyone can enjoy your holiday feast! =]

Keep an eye out for some recipes we will be posting that can give you some different food ideas for your menu this holiday season!

Note: Photo borrowed from 
12/5/2012 11:24:14 am

Great information...thx!


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